Request tokens in the tap. After full synchronization check the balance, if everything is fine, proceed to create a validator.
babylond q bank balances$(babylond keys show wallet-a)
Create a validator:
babylond tx checkpointing create-validator $HOME/babylon/validator.json \\ --chain-id=bbn-test-3 \\--gas="auto" \\ --gas-adjustment="1.5" \\ --gas-prices="0.025ubbn" \\--from=wallet \\-y
View logs
sudo journalctl-u babylond-f
Restart the node:
sudo systemctl restart babylond
Check the node's indicators:
curl localhost:26657/status
Find out if the node is synchronized, if the result is false, it means the node is synchronized
curl-s localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.catching_up
Get your address:
babylond keys show wallet--bech val-a
Delegate tokens (to increase your bid, delegate to your valoper address):
babylond tx staking delegate YOUR_VALOPER_ADDRESS 1000000ubbn--from wallet --chain-id bbn-test-3--fees 5000ubbn
Delete node: